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Sunbath: Health Benefits And Precautions

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Sunbath is a delight, but is it safe? You may have heard that the sun’s rays are harmful to the skin and that the ideal is to always use sunscreen, including at home. Excessive exposure to the sun can cause several damages to health, but natural light is also fundamental for the balance of our body and general well-being.

Sunbath therapy is a natural way to cure many health issues within a few minutes of the day. Sunlight helps regulate the body’s melatonin production, which will requir to maintain its circadian rhythms.

Melatonin is an essential hormone releas our brain’s pineal gland and regulates the sleep-wake cycle. However, the production of this hormone is affected by the intensity of sunlight, increasing during the night and decreasing during the day. Therefore, sunbath therapy helps keep the hormone level under control and can aid in treating diseases.

In addition, decreased exposure to sunlight contributes to physical and psychological disorders. To make matters worse, not sunbath can cause vitamin D deficiency, causing severe damage to health.

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Eight Benefits Of Sunbath

Sunbath Helps In Lowering Blood Pressure

Their team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh has discovered that a compound called nitric oxide, which will help lower blood pressure, is released into blood vessels when sunlight hits the skin.

Improves Sunbath For Bone Health

Since bones play a vital role in the human body, healthy bones are essential, so sunbath is very useful for bone health. Moreover, it will know that vitamin D effectively helps absorb calcium and phosphorus, which strengthens bones in the body. However, research also indicates a direct link between bone density and vitamin D3.

This vitamin is fat-soluble and formed during the vitamin D manufacturing process when sunlight hits the skin, which regulates calcium absorption. When you have higher vitamin D3 in your blood, you are at a lower risk of fractures.

On the other hand, lower stages of vitamin D3 in the blood will associate with higher rates of all types of fractures.

Improves Brain Function

A study by neuroscientist David Llewellyn of the University of Cambridge evaluated vitamin D levels in more than 1,700 men and women in England aged 65 and over. The data revealed that the lower the subjects’ vitamin D levels would reduce cognitive function.

However, more studies have found that sunlight can help stimulate the growth of nerve cells in the hippocampus, which is the share of the brain accountable for forming, organizing and storing memories.

Helps Fight Depression -Sunbath

Deprivation of sunlight can cause seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression that is very common in the winter and among people who work long hours in closed offices.

However, moderate sun exposure increases the levels of natural antidepressants in the brain that can help alleviate this and other forms of mild depression. That’s because, according to a study, the brain produces more serotonin, one of the ” happiness hormones “, on sunny days.

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Helps To Cure Some Skin Diseases

Sunlight aids in healing acne, psoriasis, eczema, jaundice and other fungal skin infections. In addition, a study has proven that outdoor sunbath therapy helps to improve psoriasis symptoms significantly.

While sun revelation has a therapeutic consequence on the skin and sunlight  successfully use to treat skin conditions, this alternative treatment will do under medical supervision to prevent the adverse side effects of UV radiation and ensure the benefits outweigh the risks.

Improves Immunity -Sunbath

Sunlight exposure helps suppress the overactive immune system, which explains why sunlight helps treat autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis

As white blood cells surge with sun exposure and play a key role in fighting disease and defending the body against infections, moderate sun exposure boosts immunity.

How To Sunbath

Contrary to what health authorities in many countries have recommended, studies (1, 2) suggest that the best time for sunbath is from 10 am to 1 pm, which can stimulate the body’s production of vitamin D more efficiently, with less risk. Of malignant cutaneous carcinoma (CMC). In fact, according to these studies, prolonged sunbath without sunscreen protection in the early morning hours and after 4 pm could promote the development of CMC. And also search Slim Body

Thus, unless there are medical contraindications to sun exposure, it will recommend that daily sunbath be done around noon, lasting from 3 to 15 minutes for white-skinned people and 15 to 30 minutes for people of brown or black skin, and is made with 40% of the skin on the body exposed.


Even though sunscreen with a high degree of protection will use, some sunlight still penetrates the skin, so it is possible to increase the production of vitamin D by spending more time outdoors. However, we reinforce that having prolonged periods of exposure without sunscreen results in more significant damage to the skin without a further increase in vitamin D levels.

Suppose you’re going to will expos for more than half an hour, staying hydrated while sunbath is also essential. If possible, cover your head with a wet towel. Avoid eating two hours before and two hours after sun exposure, and try to take a cold shower at the end of therapy.

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